Aquarium #2 |
2002-11-28 |
Overlook of the aquarium as of today. |
Left part of the aquarium. From left to right: Microsorum pteropus windeløv, Echinodorus macrophyllus, peruensis, ozelot and rubin. |
Middle part of the aquarium. From left to right: Echinodorus peruensis, ozelot, rubin and rubin "narrow leaves". |
Right part of the aquarium. From left to right: Echinodorus rubin, rubin "narrow leaves" and x bartii. In the back you can see the Eheim surface outlet foaming. |
2002-09-26 |
This is a picture of the aquarium as it looked today, three weeks old. |
Close up of the left part of the aquarium. In the back, to the left, you can see a Hagen AquaClear Powerhead 4000 that isn't in use due to vibrations and noise. I will probably try with an Eheim 2252 instead. You can also see the diffusor outlet (not connected to air) of the Eheim 2028. |
Close up of the middle part of the aquarium. |
Close up of the right part of the aquarium. In the back, to the right, you can get a glimpse of the TetraTec heater and Eheim surface extractor. |